Catalogue of Privy Council Papers

The catalogue contains key details for approximately 10,000 cases, decided between 1792-1998, links to full-text judgements from BAILII where available, and the full-text Printed Papers for 6 cases.


Showing 181 to 190 of 1665 papers, ordered by ref (ascending)
| 1... | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | ...167 |
Reference Date Location Appellant/respondent Judges Description
1792_290 1820 TO 1826 FRENCH CLAIMS The Right Rev. Alexander Paterson v The Award of the Commissioners for the Liquidation of the Claims of British Subjects & others, against the Government Of France   PP., Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Appendix to Respondent's case,
1792_299 1827 Newfoundland Arthur Hunt Philip Beard v John Jennings William Long   PP.30, Appellant's case, Appendix to Appellant's case, Respondent's case,
1792_3 1792-94-95. West Indies Windward and Leeward Islands Nevis Charles Bufbnell v John Stanley   PP.8, Respondent's case.,
1792_30 1792-94-95. West Indies Jamaica Sir Alexander Grant Baronet v Charles Grant Efquire   PP.36, Appellant's case., Respondent's case,
1792_31 1792-94-95. West Indies Jamaica Jean Elizabeth de Gramont Vallette v Henry & Hannah Shirley   PP.12, Appellant's case., Respondent's case.,
1792_316 1828 West Indies Martinique Jean Destang & Agathe Bouchon, his Wife v Ste. Marie Thoraille   PP.58, Appellant's case, Appendix to Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Appendix to Respondent's case,
1792_32 1792-94-95. West Indies Jamaica Sarah Davifson widow of Thomas Davifson Thomas Francis Davifson James Lawrence Davifson Harriet Jane Davifson William Mitchell & Donald Campbell surviving trustees of the deceased v John Chorley Efquire   PP.26, Appellant's case., Respondent's case.,
1792_33 1792-94-95. West Indies Jamaica Daniel Shea Richard Shea William Crombie Stevefon v Stephen & Elisabeth Donelan   PP., Appellant's case., Respondent's case.,
1792_331 1828 Canada Montreal/Quebec, Lower Canada Daniel Sutherland, Esq v Peter Patterson, Esq   PP., Appellant's case,
1792_332 1828 Canada Montreal/Quebec, Lower Canada John White &James McCallum v Alexander Buchanan John Buchanan William Hall Jane Mary Buchanan   PP.7, Respondent's case, Appendix to Respondent's case,
| 1... | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | ...167 |
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