Catalogue of Privy Council Papers

The catalogue contains key details for approximately 10,000 cases, decided between 1792-1998, links to full-text judgements from BAILII where available, and the full-text Printed Papers for 6 cases.


Showing 11 to 20 of 1665 papers, ordered by ref (ascending)
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ...167 |
Reference Date Location Appellant/respondent Judges Description
1792_1054 1862 India North-West Provinces/Agra Rajah Muhesh Narain Singh v Kishnanund Misser & Rajah Rughobur Singh Lord Kingsdown, Sir Edward Ryan, Sir John T. Coleridge, PP., Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Record of Proceedings, JUDGMENT, Decision Dismissed with costs, ORDER IN COUNCIL 9TH JANUARY 1863,
1792_1056 1863 Canada Montreal/Quebec, Lower Canada Henry Wulff Trigge & Alfred Trigge v Flavien Lavallee Lord Chelmsford, Lord Kingsdown, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, PP.92, Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Transcript, Reasons of judges in Canada, JUDGMENT, Decision See full text, ORDER IN COUNCIL 20TH MARCH 1863,
1792_1057 1863 Canada Upper Canada The Great Western Railway Company (Of Canada) v Michael Fawcett & Jane Fawcett Executor & Executrix & c   PP.66, Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Record of Proceedings,
1792_1058 1863 Canada Upper Canada The Great Western Railway Company (Of Canada) v Margaret M'Kay Braid Lord Chelmsford, Lord Justice Knight Bruce, Sir John T. Coleridge, PP.70, Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Record of Proceedings, Map, JUDGMENT, Decision Original judgment affirmed with costs, ORDER IN COUNCIL 20TH MARCH 1863,
1792_1081 1864 Canada Montreal/Quebec, Lower Canada William Brown v Bartholomew Conrad Augustus Gugy Lord Kingsdown, Sir Edward Ryan, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, PP.488, Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Record of Proceedings, Judge Aylwins opinion, Judge Duvals opinion, Book of Plans, JUDGMENT, Decision See full text, ORDER IN COIUNCIL 1ST MARCH 1864,
1792_1093 1864 Constantinople The Imperial Royal Priviledged Danubian Steam Navigation Company v The Greek & Oriental Steam Navigation Company Lord Cranworth, Sir Edward Ryan, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, PP.92, Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Record of Proceedings, Map, JUDGMENT, Decision Dismissed with costs, ORDER IN COUNCIL 28TH JULY 1864,
1792_1096 1864 UK Overseas Falkland Islands The Falkland Islands Company v The Queen Lord Kingdown, Lord Justice Knight Bruce, Sir Edward Ryan, Lord Justice Turner, PP.42, Joint Special Case, Record of Proceedings, JUDGMENT, Decision See full text, ORDER IN COUNCIL 27TH JULY 1863, JUDGMENT, Decision See full text, ORDER IN COUNCIL 28TH JULY 1864,
1792_11 1792-94-95. West Indies Jamaica Henry & Hannah Shirley v Jean Elizabeth de Gramont Valette   PP.26, Appellant's case., Respondent's case.,
1792_1115 1865 Canada Upper Canada The Commercial Bank of Canada v The Great Western Railway Company Lord Chelmsford, Lord Justice Knight Bruce, Lord Justice Turner, PP.766, Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Proceedings at Trial, JUDGMENT, Decision Judgment of Court of Error affirmed, Appeal dismissed with costs., ORDER IN COUNCIL 7TH AUGUST 1865,
1792_113 1801-2-3 India Madras Jofeph Harding Of Bombay Merchant by his Attornies Benjamin Roebuck & William Abbott Of Madras Merchants v Robert Woolf James Brodie Peter Maffey Caffin Thomas Parry Merchants & Members of the Madras Infurance Copany   PP.28, Appellant's case, Appendix to Appellants case, Respondent's case, Appendix to Respondent's case,
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ...167 |
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