Catalogue of Privy Council Papers

The catalogue contains key details for approximately 10,000 cases, decided between 1792-1998, links to full-text judgements from BAILII where available, and the full-text Printed Papers for 6 cases.

Showing 931 to 940 of 9366 trials ordered by: Reference (ascending)
| 1... | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | ...937 |
Reference number: 1792_409
Year (from): 1830
Year (to): 1830
Judgement year(s): 1830
Location: Mauritius
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: Le Sieur Chomel, Cashier & Treasurer of the Bank of the Island of Mauritius, for & on behalf of the Directors of the said Bank
Respondent: The Honourable Archibald William Blane Chief Secretary to the Government of the Mauritius, On behalf of the Government
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.16, Appellant's case, Appendix to Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Appendix to Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_41
Year (from): 1795
Year (to): 1797
Judgement year(s): 1795, 1796, 1797
Location: Overseas
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: Philip Moore Esquire
Respondent: George Moore, an infant (by John Joseph Bacon his Guardian)
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.18, Appellant's case, Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: Isle of Man
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_410
Year (from): 1830
Year (to): 1830
Judgement year(s): 1830
Location: Bengal
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: Lewis Owen Edwards
Respondent: Rowand Ronald George Dickson Thomas Learmouth
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.8, Appellant's case, Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_411
Year (from): 1830
Year (to): 1830
Judgement year(s): 1830
Location: Demerara
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: John Bolton, surviving Partner of the late Firm of Bolton & Littledale, Merchants Mary Littledale, Widow & Administratrix of Anthony Littledale, deceased They, the said John Bolton & Mary Littledale together Representing the said Firm of Bolton & Littledale, Claimants, On the nett Proceeds of Plantation Waterloo, cum annexis, Sold at Execution on the 9th July 1825
Respondent: Philip Burrowes, so for himself individually, As in his relation as natural Guardian of his minor Daughter, Mary Burrowes & P. C. Masse, as having in marriage Anna Elizabeth Burrowes, Claiments, on the Proceeds of said Plantation Waterloo, cum annexis
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.25, Appellant's case, Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_412
Year (from): 1830
Year (to): 1830
Judgement year(s): 1830
Location: India - Other
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: Burjorjee Ruttonjee Entee
Respondent: Kursetjee Palunjee Cowasjee Palunjee Pestunjee Palunjee
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.2, Appellant's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_413
Year (from): 1830
Year (to): 1830
Judgement year(s): 1830
Location: Bahamas
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: Edward Brace Terrill qualified Executor of Samuel Ames deceased And Administrator de bonis non of Thomas Ames, deceased
Respondent: Thomas Sheppard
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.6, Appellant's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_414
Year (from): 1830
Year (to): 1830
Judgement year(s): 1830
Location: Overseas
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: Jose Santacana Aloy
Respondent: Jayme Ardevol
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.8, Appellant's case, Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: Gibraltar
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_415
Year (from): 1830
Year (to): 1830
Judgement year(s): 1830
Location: Overseas
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: Frederick La'Mothe Esq
Respondent: Rebecca Elizabeth La'Mothe
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.10, Appellant's case, Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: Isle of Man
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_416
Year (from): 1830
Year (to): 1830
Judgement year(s): 1830
Location: Overseas
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: John Le Quesne
Respondent: John Nicolle
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.10, Appellant's case, Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: Jersey
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_417
Year (from): 1830
Year (to): 1830
Judgement year(s): 1830
Location: Demerara
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: Thomas Frankland, as Executor of Peter Grant, late of Leguan Island, Essequibo Who formerly in conjunction with Charles Grant James Grant Thomas Frasert traded in the Island of st Vincent, under the Irm of Charles Grant & Co
Respondent: John Murray McGusty & John Pearce Substituted Attornies of William Fraser, of Culbockie James Fraser of Belladrum in the Counry of Inverness James McCaul in the Island of St Vincent, they being together With the said Peter Grant, the surviving Executors of the last Will of William Fraser, deceased
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.39, Appellant's case, Appendix to Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
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* a sequence of letters
? a single letter
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- prohibited term
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not excludes terms
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