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Trial 822 of 9366 ordered by: Reference (ascending)

Reference: 1792_310
From: 1827
To: 1827
Judgement year(s): 1827
Case Type(s):
Location: Bengal
Appellant: Praunkissen Biswas From an Order & a Decree of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal, pronounced Respectively on the 11th & 13th Days of April, 1822, in a Cause wherein Kistnonundo Biswas by Obhoychurnmitter, his next friend & Seeboosoondery Dossee & Oojulmoney Dossee were Complainants, & The said Praunkissen Biswas was Defendant; And in Cross Cause, wherein the said Praunkissen Biswas was Coplainant; And the said Kistnonundo Biswas Seeboosoondery Dossee & Oojulmoney Dossee w
Respondent: Kistnonundo Biswas, acting by the said Obhoychurn Mitter, his next friend & his Guardian Ad litem, & the said Seeboosoondery Dossee & Oojulmoney Dossee
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Description: PP., Appellant's case, Appendix to Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Appendix to Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information:
Further Readings: