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Showing 161 to 170 of 389 publications
| 1... | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | ...39 |
Title Author Type Journal Year Publisher Place
Ot istorii literatury - k poetike kul'tury Journal Voprosy literatury 02 1997    
Ot sostavitelia (in Obraz Peterburga v poezii) Literary histories 2008 Paritet St Petersburg
Otkroveniia Korinny, ili sonety o knizhnosti Journal Voprosy literatury 01 1999   Moscow
Otsenshchik Journal Znamia 11 1998   Moscow
Pasternak i Gruziia (dialog poetov) Journal Voprosy literatury 01 1998   Moscow
Pechali priamaia rech' Journal Ural 10 2001   Ekaterinburg
Peizazh posle bitvy Journal Kontinent 114 2002   Moscow
Pereklichka vvedeniia i epiloga Journal Kontinent 115 2003   Moscow
Pervyi vstrechnyi. Stikhi. Riabokon', Dmitrii Stanislavovich
Journal Ural 03 2001   Ekaterinburg
Peterburg v poezii russkoi emigratsii Anthology 2006 Gumanitarnoe agenstvo "Akademicheskii Proekt" St Petersburg
| 1... | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | ...39 |
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Use these special characters to perform advanced text searches
character(s) represents example matches
* a sequence of letters abr* Abrantès, Abreu, Abraham, etc.
? a single letter ac?ard Accard, Achard
" " exact phrase "Abel de Pujol" Abel de Pujol (only, and not for e.g. Abel, Bernard)
~ fuzzy search jeanaret~ Jeanneret, Jeannest, Jeanron, etc.
+ required term jean +paul results containing jean and paul
- prohibited term jean -paul result containing jean but not paul
Boolean operators
character(s) performs example matches
and finds all terms académie and suisse lesser number of results containing both terms
or finds any terms académie or suisse greater number of results containing either term
not excludes terms académie and not suisse unrelated set of results excluding second term
( ) complex searches académie and (suisse or france) académie and one or other of suisse and france
Note: 'and' is the default behaviour, so a search for "académie and suisse" is effectively the same as "académie suisse"