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Showing 31 to 40 of 3214 publications ordered by: id (ascending)
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ... 322 |
Title: De Regno Angliae, Franciae, Hiberniae ad Serenissimum et Invictiss. Jacobum 6. Scotorum Regem ultro delato. Panegyricon.
Author(s): Echlin, John
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: Edinburgh
Printer: Robert Waldegrave
Categories: James I; Poetry; Panegyric; Elizabeth I; Latin
Title: A Briefe and Familiar Epistle Shewing His Majesties Most Lawfull, Honourable and Just Title to All His Kingdomes. With an Epitaph or briefe lamentation for the late Majestie Royall of most famous, godly, and honourable memory: With a rejoycing after sorrow for the same. And lastly a prayer for his Majesties most happy succession, and for the Queene and their children.
Author(s): Fletcher, Robert
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): John Harrison
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: James I; Prayer; Poetry; Epistle; Elizabeth I; Queen Anne of Denmark
Title: A True Report of the most tryumphant, and Royall accomplishment of the Baptisme of the most Excellent, right High, and mightie Prince, Henry Fredericke, By the grace of God, Prince of Scotland, and now Prince of Wales: As it was solemnized the 30. day of August. 1594.
Author(s): Fowler, William
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): John Browne
Place: London
Printer: Thomas Creede
Categories: James I; Prose; Poetry; History; English; Latin; Prince Henry Frederick; Queen Anne of Denmark
Title: A Panegyrique of Congratulation for the Concord of the Realmes of Great Britaine in Unitie of Religion, and Under One King. To the Most High, most puissant and magnanimous, James King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland.
Author(s): Gordon, John; G., E.
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): Geffrey Chorlton
Place: London
Printer: R. Read
Categories: James I; Prose; Panegyric; Translation
Title: A Poets Vision, and a Princes Glorie. Dedicated to the High and mightie Prince, James, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland.
Author(s): Greene, Thomas
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): William Leake
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: James I; Poetry; Panegyric
Title: Nero Tragaedia Nova.
Author(s): Gwinne, Matthew
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): Edward Blount
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: James I; Dedication; Latin
Title: Elizaes losse, and King James his welcome.
Author(s): S., H.
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): John Smythicke
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: James I; Poetry; Elegy; Elizabeth I
Title: Queene El'zabeths Losse, and King James his welcome.
Author(s): S., H.
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): John Smythicke
Place: London
Printer: Thomas Creede
Categories: James I; Poetry; Elegy; Elizabeth I
Title: The Kings Prophecie: or Weeping Joy. Expressed in a Poeme, to the Honor of Englands too great Solemnities.
Author(s): Hall, Joseph
Year: 1603
Format: Octavo
Publisher(s): Simon Waterson
Place: London
Printer: Thomas Creede
Categories: James I; Prophecy; Poetry; Elizabeth I
Title: Gods Universal right proclaimed. A Sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the 27. of March 1603. being the next Sunday after her Majesties departure.
Author(s): Hayward, John
Year: 1603
Format: Octavo
Publisher(s): Cuthbert Burby
Place: London
Printer: R. Read
Categories: James I; Sermon; Elizabeth I
Showing 31 to 40 of 3214 publications ordered by: id (ascending)
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ... 322 |
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