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Showing 51 to 60 of 3214 publications ordered by: id (ascending)
| 1 ... | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ... 322 |
Title: Daemonologie, in Forme of a Dialogue, Divided into three books.
Author(s): Stuart, James (King James VI and I)
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): Robert Waldegrave
Place: London
Printer: Arnold Hatfield
Categories: Prose; James I
Title: A Fruitefull Meditation Containing. A plaine and easie Exposition, or laying open of the 7. 8. 9. and 10. verses of the 20. chap. of the Revelation, in forme and maner of a Sermon.
Author(s): Galloway, Patrick; Stuart, James (King James VI and I); Malcolmum, M.I.; St., J.
Year: 1603
Format: Octavo
Publisher(s): John Harrison
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Poetry; Meditation; James I; English; Latin
Title: His Majesties Lepanto, or, Heroicall Song, being part of his Poeticall exercises at vacant houres.
Author(s): Stuart, James (King James VI and I)
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: London
Printer: Henry Hooke
Categories: Poetry; James I
Title: A Meditation upon the xxv. xxvi. xxvii. xxviii. and xxix. verses of the xv. Chapter of the first Booke of the Chronicles of the Kinges.
Author(s): Stuart, James (King James VI and I); Galloway, Patrick; Malcolmum, M.I.
Year: 1603
Format: Octavo
Publisher(s): Felix Norton
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Poetry; Meditation; James I; English; Latin
Title: The True Lawe of Free Monarchies. Or The Reciprock and mutuall dutie betwixt a free King, and his naturall Subjects.
Author(s): Stuart, James (King James VI and I)
Year: 1603
Format: Octavo
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: London
Printer: Robert Waldegrave
Categories: Prose; James I
Title: The True Lawe of Free Monarchies. Or, The Reciprock and mutuall dutie betwixt a free King, and his naturall Subjects.
Author(s): Stuart, James (King James VI and I)
Year: 1603
Format: Octavo
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: London
Printer: T.C.
Categories: Prose; James I
Title: A Lanterne-light for loyall Subjects. Or, A terrour for Traytours. Wherein may be seene the odiousnesse of Treason, the deserved ende of Traytours, and the wonderfull preservation of anoynted Princes. A matter rightly agreeing with this time of danger, where wicked persons have desired our publike sorrow, and the ruine of this Realme of England.
Author(s): Johnson, Richard
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: London
Printer: Simon Stafford
Categories: James I; Pamphlet
Title: A Trewe Description of the nobill race of the Stewards: succedinge Lineallie to the Croun of Scotland unto this day: And now this yeir 1603. unto the Croun of England: with thair lywelie portraturs, declaring exactlie what tyme thay begane to reigne, how lange thay reigned, and of what qualities thay were.
Author(s): Johnston, John
Year: 1603
Format: Folio
Publisher(s): Andro Hart
Place: Amsterdam
Printer: n/a
Categories: James I; Illustrated; Genealogy; Queen Anne of Denmark
Title: A Survey of the New Religion, Detecting Manie Grosse Absurdities which it Implieth.
Author(s): Kellison, Matthew
Year: 1603
Format: Octavo
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: Douai
Printer: Laurence Kellam
Categories: James I; Dedication
Title: A Discovery of the unnaturall and traiterous Conspiracie of Scottish Papists, against God, his Church, their native Countrie, the Kings Majesties person and estate. Set downe, as it was confessed and subscribed by M. George Ker, then remaining in prison, and David Grahame of Fentrie, justly executed for his treason in Edinburgh. Whereunto are annexed, certaine intercepted Letters, written by sundry of that faction to the same purpose.
Author(s): Ker, George; Grahame, David
Year: 1603
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): Thomas Este
Place: London
Printer: Thomas Snodham
Categories: James I; History; Letter
Showing 51 to 60 of 3214 publications ordered by: id (ascending)
| 1 ... | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ... 322 |
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