Publication details

Id: 89
Ref: STC 17683a.5
Title: Three Treatises Religiously handled, And named according to the severall subject of each treatise: The Mourning Weede. The Mornings Joy. The Kings Rejoycing.
Year: 1603
Author: Radford Mavericke
Printer: John Windet
Categories: James I
Elizabeth I
Prince Henry Frederick
Queen Anne of Denmark
Notes: Also sold by John Windet. Entered into the Stationer's register 12 May 1603. Attributed to R.M. on the title page. Dedicatory epistle to the Countess of Derby signed Radford Mavericke. Latin epigraph on title page: 'Mira canam, Sol occubuit, nox nulla secuta', which is attributed by Camden to Giraldus Cambrensis writing on the occasion of the death of Henry II and the succession of Richard ['Remains', 1605, p. 14]. 2 biblical epigraphs on title page: 'The Mourning Weede thou tookest me fro, and madest me to rejoyce', Psalm 30:21; 'Feare the Lord and the King, and meddle not with them that are seditious', Proverbs 24:21. Sonnet entitled 'The Author to the Booke' on the death of Elizabeth and the succession of James; signed R.M. Three prose treatises on the death of Elizabeth, the succession of James, and the duty of subjects to their monarch. The second two treatises have their own title pages. Printed as part of the second treatise: 'The Mornings Joy', a 3-page dedication to James I; 'Rex et Regina Beati', an acrostic poem on Queen Anne also celebrating James I and Prince Henry.
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