
Please note that this database is still a work in progress. Further details will shortly be added to the current references, including the original editions from which quoted material has been drawn.

Showing 361 to 364 of 364 references, ordered by Reference number (ascending)
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Reference No. 372: ""...and if you don't want anybody yo know 'ee, wear a veil.""
Quotation: "...and if you don't want anybody yo know 'ee, wear a veil."
Author: Thomas Hardy
Novel or Poem Volume Title: Wessex Tales The Withered Arm
Page No.: 67
First Published: n/a
Clothing categories: Veil;
Colours: n/a  
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Reference No. 373: ""one of her arms was out of its sleeve, and only covered by her shawl.""
Quotation: "one of her arms was out of its sleeve, and only covered by her shawl."
Author: Thomas Hardy
Novel or Poem Volume Title: Wessex Tales The Withered Arm
Page No.: 68
First Published: n/a
Clothing categories: Shawl;
Colours: n/a  
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Reference No. 374: ""...she was conscious of a rough coffin passing her shoulder, borne by four men. It was open and ..."
Quotation: "...she was conscious of a rough coffin passing her shoulder, borne by four men. It was open and in it lay the body of a young man, wearing the smockfrock of a rustic, and fustian breeches. the corpse had been thrown into the coffin so hastily that the skirt of the smockfrock was hanging over."
Author: Thomas Hardy
Novel or Poem Volume Title: Wessex Tales The Withered Arm
Page No.: 68
First Published: n/a
Clothing categories: Breeches; Smock;
Colours: n/a  
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Reference No. 375: ""By this time the young woman's state was such that a grey mist seemed to float before her eyes, ..."
Quotation: "By this time the young woman's state was such that a grey mist seemed to float before her eyes, on account of which, and the veil she wore, she could scarcely discern anything:".
Author: Thomas Hardy
Novel or Poem Volume Title: Wessex Tales The Withered Arm
Page No.: 68
First Published: n/a
Clothing categories: Veil;
Colours: n/a  
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