Item List (15)

  • Type is exactly "Religious Celebration"

The celebratory meeting at Goldenhill, near Stoke-on-Trent, on the occasion of the Mayflower Tercentenary was held under the auspices of the Tunstall Free Church Council. The Chairman for the event was Mr W.C. Colclough, who opened proceedings by –…

Golcar Baptist Church (2007) -
The village of Golcar in West Yorkshire shows us how, as in many other towns and villages in 1920, the transatlantic Mayflower tercentenary manifested in highly localised ways. Golcar was home to a thriving non-conformist community and it was within…

Lonpicman, City Temple, Holborn Viaduct (2009)
The 88th annual assembly of the Congregational Union of England and Wales in 1920 occasioned a talk given by Rev. A.E. Garvie, Principal of New College, London (later part of the University of London’s theology faculty). Garvie reflected on the…

Like others organised by the Free Church Council, Bradford’s celebration for the Mayflower anniversary in 1920 was to be fairly modest with much emphasis on preaching and lecturing. But early reports were good for Bradford. By May, months before the…

Statue of Richard Baxter, Kidderminster
At the time of the Mayflower tercentenary, it would have been difficult to find a more fitting venue for commemorating the Pilgrim Fathers than Baxter Church in Kidderminster, Worcestershire. Baxter Church was named for the well-known Puritan Richard…