Harry Potter on Location
Dublin Core
Harry Potter on Location
Harry Potter
The story of Harry Potter began in an ordinary family, at a time when no one knew what would happen to the story. He was born into a family of ordinary wizards, and of course, at that time Harry didn't know he was a wizard. That is, until his life is changed forever in a tragic accident. Voldemort, believing that Harry was the character who would kill him in the prophecy of the crystal ball, came to the place where Harry's parents lived and brutally murdered them. Overnight, he was orphaned and sent to live a not-so-comfortable life with his aunt and uncle. However, on his eleventh birthday, Harry begins to receive mysterious letters that reveal who he really is: a wizard. This discovery leads him into a mysterious world he had never before imagined, a world filled with magic, potions and magical creatures, as well as goblins and dwarves and elves. Harry enters Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a place where wizards and witches are trained. Here he makes two best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. These three become the central force of the entire series, working together to face a variety of dangerous events. As Harry grows up, he comes to understand his family's past. His parents were sacrificed to protect him, and the dark magic leader Voldemort, a villain seeking immortality and wizarding supremacy, once fatally attacked Harry. However, thanks to his mother's desperate protection, Harry survived that incident and Voldemort lost his powers. However, as Harry grows up and enters Hogwarts at the age of eleven, Voldemort attempts to regain his powers and use them to conquer the entire wizarding world as well as non-wizarding society. And Harry, being the only being capable of fighting Voldemort, became the hope of the entire wizarding world. As time passes, Harry undergoes countless trials, including confronting wizarding prisoners, searching for mysterious magical items, and participating in dangerous wizarding tournaments. Not only does he face confusion about his life, but he also has to deal with the loss of family and friends. But against all odds, Harry never lost his courage and faith. The final showdown takes place at Hogwarts, where Harry and Voldemort face off. The battle was more than just a fight between wizards, it was a battle for love and sacrifice. Harry eventually understands the connection between himself and Voldemort and how to destroy the last piece of Voldemort's Horcrux - himself. In the finale, Harry succeeds in defeating Voldemort and peace once again reigns in the wizarding world. The entire story concludes with a delightful and touching ending that demonstrates the importance of friendship, family and love. There is no doubt that Harry Potter is a successful literary masterpiece.
J. K. Rowling’s “ Harry Potter” series (1997–2007) has turned into a global phenomenon and her Potterverse is still expanding(Gymnich, M., Birk, H., & Burkhard, D.,2017). With the emergence of various derivative products, Harry Potter is no longer just a novel, but a global cultural phenomenon. Its influence transcends the literary circle and reaches into many fields such as films, games and theme parks. And its influence has gone one step further with the advent of the Harry Potter film series. Adapted for the novels, the Harry Potter films are loyal to the novels, and as a screenwriter, J.K. Rowling didn't make too many changes to the originals, and the films basically recreate all the magical sights from the originals. The series was filmed mainly in the UK. The production team chose some impressive locations to capture the fantasy and mystery of the wizarding world. However, to ensure the secrecy of the story and the effects of the film, the production team did not reveal these locations and even fenced off the area during filming to prevent people from knowing what was going on inside. To satisfy people's quest for beautiful scenery in the film and fans' curiosity about the filming locations, the book Harry Potter on location came into existence as a result.
After studying the films, the author of this book searched for a large number of locations where the Harry Potter films were filmed, based on what had been reported in the media, including the well-known locations of Big Ben and Tower Bridge (which didn't seem too difficult, as anyone who had seen the Harry Potter films would know that they were filmed at these famous locations, but the author also searched for places that would be difficult for the viewer to identify, such as some of the shops, alleyways and meadows that were featured in the films, which was very difficult to do). Using an alphabetical county-by-county organisation, from Alnwick Castle in County 'A' to the Zoological Society of London in County 'Z', this book provides readers with the definitive guide to more than 60 locations, brought to life with more than 150 photographs, maps, anecdotes, and a wealth of historical information. (J.P. Sperati, back cover, 2010). It gives readers an insight into these locations and also describes what other films have been made from them. In addition, the book offers tips and advice for readers who wish to plan their own explorations of these marvellous locations.This book will give the reader an appreciation of how the films are constructed from a variety of different locations and spliced together to make one seamless magical moment on the big screen.(J.P. Sperati, back cover, 2010). So this book is not only written for Harry Potter fans, but also for those who love the beautiful British landscape and love travelling, and it will be an essential action guide and companion on their journey to explore it.
It is worth noting that due to the secrecy of the Harry Potter film production team, this book has not been officially authorised by any Harry Potter and is an unofficial title, which only deals with the locations where the films were filmed and the history and culture of those locations, and does not contain any images of the Harry Potter film footage or the content of the books, or any comments on the characters in the books. The book is intended as a personal work of the author only, with the main goal being the location rather than the content of the film. Even so, the book is a way for fans to connect and share unique ideas with each other, as well as providing a platform for fans to share their understanding of the film and express their emotional resonance with it in a unique way.
As the book is a guide to the landscape and a guide to the location, it has far less scholarly value than the rest of the collection. The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum's (BDCM) description of it is minimal, mainly because Harry Potter has a wealth of spin-offs all over the world, covering basically all kinds of art, including comics, toys, games, and dolls, all of which are officially licensed products. However, as a guide book carefully produced and published by fans, this book profoundly reflects the impact of the Harry Potter series on global culture, and it is still of great research value to place it in the film history archives as a reference to the derivative works of the Harry Potter series.
Gymnich, M., Birk, H., & Burkhard, D. (2017). “Harry - yer a wizard” : Exploring J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Universe (1st ed., Vol. 6). Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag.
J. K. Rowling’s “ Harry Potter” series (1997–2007) has turned into a global phenomenon and her Potterverse is still expanding(Gymnich, M., Birk, H., & Burkhard, D.,2017). With the emergence of various derivative products, Harry Potter is no longer just a novel, but a global cultural phenomenon. Its influence transcends the literary circle and reaches into many fields such as films, games and theme parks. And its influence has gone one step further with the advent of the Harry Potter film series. Adapted for the novels, the Harry Potter films are loyal to the novels, and as a screenwriter, J.K. Rowling didn't make too many changes to the originals, and the films basically recreate all the magical sights from the originals. The series was filmed mainly in the UK. The production team chose some impressive locations to capture the fantasy and mystery of the wizarding world. However, to ensure the secrecy of the story and the effects of the film, the production team did not reveal these locations and even fenced off the area during filming to prevent people from knowing what was going on inside. To satisfy people's quest for beautiful scenery in the film and fans' curiosity about the filming locations, the book Harry Potter on location came into existence as a result.
After studying the films, the author of this book searched for a large number of locations where the Harry Potter films were filmed, based on what had been reported in the media, including the well-known locations of Big Ben and Tower Bridge (which didn't seem too difficult, as anyone who had seen the Harry Potter films would know that they were filmed at these famous locations, but the author also searched for places that would be difficult for the viewer to identify, such as some of the shops, alleyways and meadows that were featured in the films, which was very difficult to do). Using an alphabetical county-by-county organisation, from Alnwick Castle in County 'A' to the Zoological Society of London in County 'Z', this book provides readers with the definitive guide to more than 60 locations, brought to life with more than 150 photographs, maps, anecdotes, and a wealth of historical information. (J.P. Sperati, back cover, 2010). It gives readers an insight into these locations and also describes what other films have been made from them. In addition, the book offers tips and advice for readers who wish to plan their own explorations of these marvellous locations.This book will give the reader an appreciation of how the films are constructed from a variety of different locations and spliced together to make one seamless magical moment on the big screen.(J.P. Sperati, back cover, 2010). So this book is not only written for Harry Potter fans, but also for those who love the beautiful British landscape and love travelling, and it will be an essential action guide and companion on their journey to explore it.
It is worth noting that due to the secrecy of the Harry Potter film production team, this book has not been officially authorised by any Harry Potter and is an unofficial title, which only deals with the locations where the films were filmed and the history and culture of those locations, and does not contain any images of the Harry Potter film footage or the content of the books, or any comments on the characters in the books. The book is intended as a personal work of the author only, with the main goal being the location rather than the content of the film. Even so, the book is a way for fans to connect and share unique ideas with each other, as well as providing a platform for fans to share their understanding of the film and express their emotional resonance with it in a unique way.
As the book is a guide to the landscape and a guide to the location, it has far less scholarly value than the rest of the collection. The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum's (BDCM) description of it is minimal, mainly because Harry Potter has a wealth of spin-offs all over the world, covering basically all kinds of art, including comics, toys, games, and dolls, all of which are officially licensed products. However, as a guide book carefully produced and published by fans, this book profoundly reflects the impact of the Harry Potter series on global culture, and it is still of great research value to place it in the film history archives as a reference to the derivative works of the Harry Potter series.
Gymnich, M., Birk, H., & Burkhard, D. (2017). “Harry - yer a wizard” : Exploring J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Universe (1st ed., Vol. 6). Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag.
Baker Street Studios Limited. Cover illustration and maps by Nikki Sims.
First published in 2010
YuChen Guan
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Irregular Special Press.
The Harry Potter films
14.8 x 1.4 x 21 cm
ISBN 978-190109141-0
Harry Potter's filming locations
J.P.Sperati, “Harry Potter on Location,” Archival Encounters: Digital Exhibitions form the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum, accessed March 9, 2025, https://humanities-research.exeter.ac.uk/archivalencounters/items/show/36.