On the second day of our challenge, the group managed to identify a number of key items from the ‘Aria’ collection that managed to capture some of the most significant developments in the film’s production history. Preparations also began in earnest for the interview with producer Don Boyd tomorrow, testing out the camera and film editing equipment, as well as preparing suitable questions. Here are some specific impressions from the day:
Day two went smoothly. We sorted through the things that we will put on the website. We also did some preparation for tomorrow’s interview with Don Boyd; we came up with questions to ask Don and tried our hands on the camera and the other equipment. – Janet Novelia
Carrying on from the day before we sorted out the items we had found and decided on which we wanted to upload. We also thought of questions to ask in the interview, and got used to using the cameras and the lighting equipment, as well as practicing editing some video. – George Samways
We chose the items we wanted to present to Don for approval for digitisation. We also looked through the documents we had that could inform our questioning. We devised the questioning together, and then wrote up our finalised questions. – Liana Green
Today we selected which items we intend to use for the website, and tested the equipment for tomorrow’s interview. We also gathered questions in preparation, and did a mock interview. – Nadia Teare
Tomorrow morning, and the early part of the afternoon, will be dedicated to the interview with Don, with the rest being spent on editing down the resulting footage whilst scanning and writing caption text for the primary materials identified today.