
Digitised Legal Documents from the Indo-Persian World

Order of Dianat Khan to Purshottam Das that the tribute payment is excused in exchange for improving cultivation

In response to a petition from Purshottam Das regarding the burden of taxes and tribute, Dianat Khan orders that the payment of 4000 rupees of tribute will be forgiven as long as the district (pargana) of Dhar is well-administered.

Functional document type: Orders

Formal document type: Parvana

Themes: Administration, Agriculture, Money, Petitioning, Taxation and Tribute

Julus calendar: 9 Rabiʿ al-awwal 28
Hijri-qamri calendar: 9 Rabiʿ al-awwal 1065
Gregorian calendar: 17 January 1655

[Page 1r]

invocation (top centre): Arabic

الله اکبر

God is great

authorisation (right margin): Persian

[دیانت] خان مرید حضرت شاه جهان ۱۸ ۵۴

[Round black ink seal] [Dianat] Khan, disciple of Lord Shah Jahan [regnal year] 18 [Hijri year 10]54

main text: Persian

1مطیع الاسلام پرسوتمداس برادرزاده چندر بهان چودهری پرگنه دهار را معلوم بوده باشد
2عرضه داشتی که درینولا فرستاده بود رسید مضمون آن مفهوم گردید توشته بود که چندر بهان
3فوت شده باز ماندها او از خرچ اخراجات زیادتی از قوت روزمره خود
4عاجزاند و در باب باز یافت چهار هزار روپیه نوشته از حضور بنام سیادت و نقابت پناه
5میر ابراهم آمده است از باز خواست این وجه از وطن جلا وطن خواهد شد اما چیزی وصول نخواهد شد
6اینمقدمه را بعرض باز یافتگان بارگاه جاه و جلال رسانید امر والا صادر شد که
7معاف دارند می باید که این رعایت و التفات را [شامل حال] خود دانسته [الحال] نماید که
8در پرگنه دهار زراعت خاطر خواه شود و روز بروز ابادانی و افزونی بظهور اید
9و تلافی معاف وجه پیشکش در افزونی مال نشود که موافق خدمات حسبه سند چودهرای خواهد یافت
10و اگر احیاناً خدا نخواسته در ابادانی دیگر زراعت و دولت خواهی سرکار کوتاهی
11خواهد کرد باز خواست آن ازو خواهد شد و سند خدمت نخواهد یافت درین باب
12قدغن تمام لازم شناخته حسب المسطور بعمل ارد بتاریخ ۹ شهر ربیع الاول سنه ۲۸ بیضه

1Obedient to Islam Purshottam Das, nephew of Chandar Bhan, chaudhri of pargana Dhar should know that
2the ʿarzdasht, which he [Purshottam Das] had presently sent, arrived [and] its contents have become known [to me]. He had written that Chandar Bhan
3having died, those that remain are falling short of the strength to fulfil their own regular expenses because of the excess of the expenses of taxes.
4And in the matter of the seizing of four thousand rupees [as tribute], a note has arrived from the lord by the name of Refuge of Sublimity and Magisterial Dignity
5Mir Ibrahim. From the repeated demand of this amount, he [Purshottam Das] will become an exile from [his] watan and nothing will be paid.
6This matter was taken to the courtiers of the glorious court [of Shah Jahan] [and] the noble order was issued that
7it should be forgiven. It is necessary that knowing this favour and honour [to be included] in their situation, [presently] they should such that
8they focus on agriculture in pargana Dhar and day by day the habitation and growth [of agriculture] should become visible.
9And compensation for the excused amount of pishkash should not be [sought] in the increase of mal; it [the revenue] will be obtained commensurate to [his] services according to the sanad of chaudhrai.
10And if in the case that, God forbid it, there is any shortcoming in cultivation or agriculture or loyalty,
11it [the post] will be taken back from him and he will not get the sanad of service. Knowing
12all the restrictions applicable to this [order] to be necessary, work as it is written. 9 Rabiʿ al-awwal, year 28. Ended.

[Page 1v]

clerical notes (right margin): Persian


Copy taken.


1. The meaning of the single persian letter 'dal' is not clear in this context. [BACK]

landlord (similar to desai, deshmukh)


petition (used for any formal address from an inferior to a superior)

homeland, held as special non-transferable revenue assignment (Mughal fiscal-administrative term)



land revenue

generically, a document

office of chaudhri or landlord

generically, a document


Issuer: Dianat Khan
Recipient: Purshottam Das




Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, LNS 235 MS b
Archival Collection: Purshottam Das collection

Transcribed from manuscript image.

Edited by Nandini Chatterjee and Elizabeth Thelen

Encoding support and website development by Lizzy Williamson, Eva Bodenschatz, Richard Holding, Julia Hopkin and Gary Stringer