
Digitised Legal Documents from the Indo-Persian World

Order of Asadullah to Purshottam Das and Paras Ram to pay the fee for land measurement

Purshottam Das and Paras Ram are instructed to send fees for land-measuring and for rent-free lands from the villages of district (pargana) Dhar without delay.

Functional document type: Orders

Formal document type: Parvana

Themes: Taxation and Tribute

Hijri-qamri calendar: 4 Jumada al-sani 1071
Gregorian calendar: 4 February 1661

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invocation (top centre): Arabic

الله اکبر

God is great

main text: Persian

1زبده الاماثل و الاقران پرسوتم چودری و پرسرام قانونگوی
2پرگنه دهار بدانند که سلامی از بابت نظر پیمایش تفریق
3 از هر ده پرگنه مذکور بخواجه [جهبر] ناراین واصل نمایند که
4بحضور بفرستند دراین باب نهایت تاکید [دانسته]
5حسب المسطور عمل نمایند و از نوشته تخلف نورزند
6تحریر فی التاریخ ۴ ماه جمادی الثانی سنه ۱۰۷۱ فقط

1Eminent among Equals and Contemporaries Purshottam [Das] chaudhri and Paras Ram qanungo
2of pargana Dhar, know that the fee for the tribute for the measurement of the divisions for holders of excessive rent free lands
3from each village of the aforementioned pargana should be delivered to Khwaja [Jhabar] Narayan [so] that he
4can send it to the Lord. Being extremely diligent in this matter,
5execute as written. And do not cause any delays [in executing that which is] written.
6Written on the 4th of the month of Jumada al-sani, year 1071. Nothing further.

authorisation (right margin): Persian

1حسب المسطور مقرر شناسند
2 نهایت تاکید دانند [آنچه] [بکار داخله]
3 مرید باخلاص اسد الله نوازس خانی ۱۰۷۱

1Know it to be established as written, [and]
2be especially diligent in this matter.
3[Round black ink seal] Asadullah special disciple of Nawazish Khan 1071

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clerical notes (top right): Persian

پروانه وکالت دستگاه میرزا جیو
[بار] سلامی بنظر پیمایش

Parvana of the representative of the court Mirza Jiu;
[registered] fee for the tribute of measurement.

clerical notes (top right): Persian

به پرسوتم چودری و پرسرام قانونگوی پرگنه دهار [برسد]

[Deliver] to Purshottam chaudhri and Paras Ram qanungo of pargana Dhar.

landlord (similar to desai, deshmukh)

record-keeper (similar to deshpande)




title for a prince; gentleman (occasionally, a scholar, writer)

an honorific added to a name or title to show respect

landlord (similar to desai, deshmukh)

record-keeper (similar to deshpande)



Recipient: Purshottam Das
Recipient: Paras Ram
Issuer: Asadullah




Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, LNS 235 MS m1
Archival Collection: Purshottam Das collection

Transcribed from manuscript image.

Edited by Elizabeth Thelen

Encoding support and website development by Lizzy Williamson, Eva Bodenschatz, Richard Holding, Julia Hopkin and Gary Stringer