Catalogue of Privy Council Papers

The catalogue contains key details for approximately 10,000 cases, decided between 1792-1998, links to full-text judgements from BAILII where available, and the full-text Printed Papers for 6 cases.


Showing 211 to 220 of 1665 papers, ordered by id (ascending)
| 1... | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | ...167 |
Reference Date Location Appellant/respondent Judges Description
1881_2 26 January 1881   Taruck Chunder Bhuttacharjya v Bykuntnath Sannyal and others    
1879_61 25 November 1879   Rani Rughubuns Kuar v Baboo Mahpal Singh    
1879_73 19 December 1879   The Collector of Backergunge and others    
1991_8 04-Mar-91   Mohammed Ali Reza v The General Medical Council    
1792_1570 1874   Shama Soondory Chowdhranee v Dukhina Mohun Roy Chowdhry Case 296 of 186 Sir James W. Colvile, Sir Barnes Peacock, Sir Robert P. Collier, Sir Lawrence Peel, India Fort William (Bengal)/Calcutta
1792_1204 1868   Anandia alias Ranee Kunjara Naucheyar & Mungalaswara Naucheyar v Parvata Vardani Naucheyar Muttu Ramalinga Tevar & The Collector of Madura Lord Westbury, The Master of the Rolls, Sir James W. Colvile, Sir Edward Vaughan Williams, Sir Lawrence Peel, PP.391, Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Record of Proceedings, JUDGMENT, Decision the two Appeals & the cross Appeal Dismissed with costs, ORDER IN COUNCIL 19TH JUNE 1868, ORDER IN COUNCIL 10TH NOVEMBER 1866, ORDER IN COUNCIL 10TH JUNE 1868, ORDER IN COUNCIL 19TH JUNE 1868,
1792_548 1835   Henry Iles Woodcock, Esquire v The Commissioners of Compensation, appointed under the Act   PP.10, Appellant's case, Respondent's case,
1905_75 12/18/1905   The Taluka of Kotda-Sangani v The State of Gondal    
1903_3 10 February 1903 India - Bombay His Highness The Gaekwar Sarkar of Baroda and Bombay and Central India Railway Company v Gandhi Kachrabhai Kasturchand    
1918_65 7/15/1918 China Hip Foong Hong v H. Neotia and Company    
| 1... | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | ...167 |
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