Catalogue of Privy Council Papers

The catalogue contains key details for approximately 10,000 cases, decided between 1792-1998, links to full-text judgements from BAILII where available, and the full-text Printed Papers for 6 cases.

Showing 9361 to 9366 of 9366 trials ordered by: id (ascending)
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Reference number: 1792_277
Year (from): 1820
Year (to): 1826
Judgement year(s): 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826
Location: UK - Commissioner for British claims on France
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: The Baron Clement Joseph Philipe Pen De Bode
Respondent: Colin Alexander Mackenzie George Hammond George Newnham Collingwood, Esquires Commissioners appointed to carry into effect certain Treaties between His Britannic Majesty, & His most Christian Majesty, for liquidating the Claims of His Britannic Majesty's subjects On the French Government
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.60, Appellant's case, Appendix to Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Appendix to Respondents case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_268
Year (from): 1820
Year (to): 1826
Judgement year(s): 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826
Location: UK - Commissioner for British claims on France
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: The Most Noble Henry Marquis of Lansdowne
Respondent: The Lords Commissioners of His majesty's Treasury
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.8, Appellant's case, Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_290
Year (from): 1820
Year (to): 1826
Judgement year(s): 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826
Location: UK - Commissioner for British claims on France
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: The Right Rev. Alexander Paterson
Respondent: The Award of the Commissioners for the Liquidation of the Claims of British Subjects & others, against the Government Of France
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP., Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Appendix to Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_286
Year (from): 1820
Year (to): 1826
Judgement year(s): 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826
Location: UK - Commissioner for British claims on France
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: Thomas Younghusband, A Subject of His Britannic Majesty
Respondent: The award of the Commissioners of Liquidation, Arbitration, & Award
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.12, Appellant's case, Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_272
Year (from): 1820
Year (to): 1826
Judgement year(s): 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826
Location: UK - Commissioner for British claims on France
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: Walter Boyd John William Ker
Respondent: The Commissioner of Liquidation of Claims on France
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.46, Appellant's case, Appendix to Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Appendix to Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
Reference number: 1792_287
Year (from): 1820
Year (to): 1826
Judgement year(s): 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826
Location: UK - Commissioner for British claims on France
Case Type(s): n/a
Appellant: Walter Boyd, Esq. & Co.
Respondent: The Second Award of the Commissioners of Liquidation, Arbitration, & Award.
Judges JCPC: n/a
Judges LC: n/a
Counsel JCPC: n/a
Counsel LC: n/a
Legislation: n/a
Case Citation: n/a
Authorities Cited: n/a
Description: PP.38, Appellant's case, Respondent's case, Case of the Appellant's, Respondent's case,
Supplementary Information: n/a
Further Readings: n/a
Judgement (BAILII): n/a
Trial detail page >>
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? a single letter
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- prohibited term
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not excludes terms
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