Chumanov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Александр Николаевич Чуманов

Poet 229 of 2360 , ordered by ()

Biographical details
Born: 1950
Died: n/a
Cause of death1: n/a
Banned/Censored2: n/a
Party member3: n/a
Left Party4: n/a
Poems in database: 8 (8 where year of authorship not recorded)
Poems by this poet
Year Title First line
n/a no title Neuzhto byl kremlevskii gorets
n/a no title Delaiu, chto umeiu.
n/a no title Idi ko mne, moi drug Matraskin,
n/a no title Odnazhdy ia prosnus'
n/a Dve derevni Naselenie v etoi derevne
n/a Mentalitet V stranu urodov i kalek,
n/a Punkt naznacheniia A poezd shel, gremel i liazgal,
n/a Sem'ia Eti tuchi voron'ia
Publications this poet published in
Year Title
1997 A novoi zhizni vkus
Associations with other poets

By publication of poems

No associations found

By critical discussion

No associations found

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