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Showing 241 to 250 of 3214 publications ordered by: id (ascending)
| 1 ... | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | ... 322 |
Title: An Exact Narrative and Relation of His Most Sacred Majesties Escape from Worcester on the third of September, 1651. Till his Arrivall at Paris.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): G. Colborn
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; History
Title: An Exit to the Exit Tyrannus: or, Upon Erasing that Ignominious and Scandalous Motto, which was set over the place where King Charles the First Statue stood, in the Royall Exchange, London. To the Tune of I made a Voyage into France, &c.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Broadside
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles I; Charles II; Ballad; George Monck
Title: An Extract of a Letter From a Person of Quality at Bruxels of the 5. of March S.N. to a Private Friend.
Author(s): R., T.
Year: 1660
Format: Broadside
Publisher(s): Thomas Bassett
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Letter
Title: Eye-Salve For the English Armie, And their Assistants, Or a Breviate of Several Particulars Seriously to be considered by all those that either are, or have been engaged in the late war against King, Single Person or Lords Spirituall and Temporall, that are not willing to yield their Necks to the Rope or Block.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Letter; Pamphlet
Title: The Famous Tragedie of the Life and Death of Mris. Rump. Shewing How She was brought to Bed of a Monster With her terrible Pangs, bitter Teeming, hard Labour, and lamentable Travell from Portsmouth to Westminster, and the great misery she hath endured by her ugly, deformed, ill-shapen, base-begotten Brat or Imp of Reformation
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): Theodorus Microcosmus
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Poetry; Drama; Satire
Title: Fear God, Honour the King: Or, Great Brittains Allegeance to their Royall Soveraign: In a Loyal Remonstrance to Charles the II. for the Establishing of Him in His Royal Throne, and the restoring of Him to Crown and Scepter.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): Obediah Brook
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Pamphlet
Title: For the King and both Houses of Parliament. Being a short Declaration of the cruelty inflicted upon some of the servants of the Lord now called Quakers, by some barbarous & bloudy men Inhabitants in Merionythshire in North Wales, the 3d Month, 1660. and in part of South Wales.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: n/a
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Dedication; Pamphlet
Title: For the King And both Houses of Parliament. For you (who have known Sufferings) now (in this the day of your prosperity) in the Fear and Wisdom of God, to read over and consider these Sufferings of the People of God in scorn called Quakers, which they have suffered in the dayes of the Common-wealth, and of Oliver and Richard Cromwel, and which they now suffer in your day for Conscience sake, and bearing Testimony to the truth, as it is in Jesus.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Folio
Publisher(s): Thomas Simmons
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Dedication; Pamphlet
Title: Gallant News of late I bring, Tidings of chusing now a King, Whereby true Subjects may rejoice In chusing them so sweet a choyce That love and peace may so agree, To end the days of misery, To the Tune of, Royal News, Royal News.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Broadside
Publisher(s): Francis Grove
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Ballad; Illustrated
Title: A Glimpse of Joy for the happy Restoring of the Kings most Excellent Majesty: or, The Devoir's of a nameless Poet. To the Generall's Excellence, and to all the Noble Sparks of Great Brittain's Heroarchy, that have hopes to survive their Countreys Sufferings.
Author(s): Edwards, Thomas
Year: 1660
Format: Broadside
Publisher(s): John Andrews
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Poetry; Illustrated; Panegyric
Showing 241 to 250 of 3214 publications ordered by: id (ascending)
| 1 ... | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | ... 322 |
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