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Showing 291 to 300 of 3214 publications ordered by: id (ascending)
| 1 ... | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | ... 322 |
Title: A Pleasant Dialogue Between the King, the Miller, the Shepheard, and the Woodman, at White-hall.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Broadside
Publisher(s): William Smith
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Poetry
Title: A Poem on His Majesties Return to White-Hall.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Broadside
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Poetry; Panegyric
Title: Policy, No Policy: Or, The Devil Himself Confuted. Being an Answer to a Clause of a Letter Written to a Person of Quality at Brussels: Wherein the King and his Court there, are Fully and Plainly Discovered.
Author(s): T., B.
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Letter; Pamphlet
Title: The praise of the merry Month of May; In which our Royall Prince Charles was born, which grac't that Month, and made glad the hearts of all true and free born Subjects of England.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Broadside
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Ballad; Illustrated
Title: A Private Conference Between Mr. L. Robinson, and Mr. T. Scott, Occasioned upon the Publishing his Majesties Letters and Declaration.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): Isack Goulden
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Prose; Poetry; Satire
Title: The Qualifications of Persons, declared Capable by the Rump, Parliament to Elect, or be Elected, Members to supply their House.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Prose; Satire; Oath
Title: Relation de l'entrée magnifique, de monsieur le prince de Ligne, dans la ville de Londres. En qualité d'ambassadeur extraordinaire de sa Majesté Catholique. Et de plus l'audience publique qu'il at euë du roi le 17/27 de septembre 1660.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): John Redmayne
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Prose; History; French
Title: The Royal Chronicle: Wherein is contained, An Historical Narration of His Majesties Royal Progress; The Princely Cabinet laid open, with an Embleme to Great Britain; The Peoples Diadem, proceeding from the Ornament and Crown of their gracious Lord and Sovereign; The incomparable Studies of His Majesty in the Government of Kings, to the admiration of all forreign Princes; and His great Endowments and Experience, in Religion, Law, and Governments.
Author(s): Selden, John
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): George Horton
Place: London
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; Prose; Poetry; History
Title: The Royal Pilgrimage Of His Sacred Majesty King Charles the Second, Or, The Second Part of the Royal Oake: Communicating Divers of His Majesties persecutions, as well amongst His professed Enemies as His pretended Friends, Perjured Servants, and Traiterous Subjects.
Author(s): Danvers, John
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: Edinburgh
Printer: n/a
Categories: Charles II; History
Title: The Royal Pilgrimage, or the Progresse and Travels of King Charles The Second, Through the most and greatest Courts of Europe.
Author(s): n/a
Year: 1660
Format: Quarto
Publisher(s): n/a
Place: London
Printer: John Morgan
Categories: Charles II; History
Showing 291 to 300 of 3214 publications ordered by: id (ascending)
| 1 ... | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | ... 322 |
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