Publication details

Id: 142
Ref: STC (2nd ed.): 5029
Title: A Relation of the Glorious Triumphs and Order of the Ceremonies, observed in the Marriage of the High and Mighty Charles, King of Great Brittaine, and the Ladie Henrietta Maria, Sister to the most Christian King of France. Together With the Ceremonie observed in their Troth-plighting, performed in the Castle of the Louvre, in his Majesties Chamber there.
Year: 1625
Printer: T.S.
Publisher: Nathaniel Butter
Categories: Charles I
Henrietta Maria
Notes: 'The Glorious Triumph' gives an account of the ceremony in France where Henrietta Maria was married to Charles I, who was absent. 'The Order of the Royall Feast' describes the banquet that followed the ceremony. These are followed by an English translation of Louis's proclamation given at Paris April 23 1625 forbidding commerce with Spain. Thereafter, the same texts [ie. the account of ceremony, the feast, and the proclamation] are printed in French.
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