Publication details

Id: 193
Ref: STC (2nd ed.): 23353
Title: Divine Poemes. In seven severall Classes. Written To his most Excellent Majestie, Charles, By the Grace of God King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &.
Year: 1625
Author: John Stradling
Printer: William Stansby
Categories: Charles I
Notes: The publication is dedicated to Charles I in the title. Contains one dedicatory poem addressed 'To the Sacred Majestie of my Dread Soveraigne Lord the King'. Here, Stradling claims that the poems were in press when James died and Charles assumed the throne. They had been dedicated to Charles as Prince of Wales and Stradling claims that he has only had time to alter the frontispiece, and apologises if the style of the work 'swerves'.
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