Publication details

Id: 207
Ref: STC (2nd ed.): 25940
Title: The Marrow of the French Tongue. Containing 1. Rules for the true pronunciation of every Letter as it is written or spoken. 2. An exact Grammar, containing the nine parts of Speech of the French Tongue. 3. Dialogues in French and English, fitted to all kind of Discourse for Courtiers, Citizens, or Countrymen, in their affaires at home, or travelling abroad.
Year: 1625
Author: John Wodroephe
Publisher: Richard Meighen
Categories: Charles I
Notes: 1-page dedication addressed 'To the Kings Most Excellent Majestie'. This is a second edition, with a different title, of STC 25939, which was originally published in 1623 at Dort. The dedication in the 1623 edition was addressed 'To the high and mightie Prince, Charles'. References to Charles as a prince are altered in the 1625 edition to reflect his new title. Some other variants in spelling.
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