Publication details

Id: 210
Ref: STC: 6259
Title: A Panegyrike Congratulatory Delivered to the Kings most excellent majesty at Burleigh Harrington in Rutlandshire.
Year: 1603
Author: Samuel Daniel
Printer: V.S.
Publisher: Edward Blount
Categories: James I
Notes: Printed by V.S. possibly Valentine Sims [STC]. Latin epigraph on title page: 'Carmen amat, quisquis carmine digna gerit' [Claudian]. A reissue of 'A panegyrike congratulatorie to the Kings Majestie' [STC 6558]. Another edition was printed later the same year as 'A panegyrike congratulatorie delivered to the Kings most excellent Majestie' [STC 6260]. STC 6259 includes a prose dedication at the front addressed to Edward Seymour concerning 'The passion of a distressed man'. The text of 'The passion of a distressed man' is printed after the panegyric and the epistles and probably in the wrong place. Also includes 'A defence of ryme', which has a separate title page.
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