Publication details

Id: 246
Ref: Wing (2nd ed.) / C1568A
Title: The Cavaliers Comfort; Or, Long lookt for will come at last.
Year: 1660
Publisher: William Gilbertson
Categories: Charles II
Notes: To the tune of 'The king injoys his own again'. There are several ballads with variations on this refrain [see RoK, Part 1]. 2 woodcut illustrations: one of a pair of Cavaliers; one of a king and queen. No date on the imprint. Wing suggests a date between 1647 and 1665. The second part refers to 'the happy Moneth of May' in the past tense, suggesting that (at least the second part) was written after Charles II's arrival. A reference to the imminent arrival of 'our Royal Queen' may date it towards the end of 1660 when Henrietta Maria returned to England?
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