Publication details

Id: 74
Ref: STC 14675
Title: A Lanterne-light for loyall Subjects. Or, A terrour for Traytours. Wherein may be seene the odiousnesse of Treason, the deserved ende of Traytours, and the wonderfull preservation of anoynted Princes. A matter rightly agreeing with this time of danger, where wicked persons have desired our publike sorrow, and the ruine of this Realme of England.
Year: 1603
Author: Richard Johnson
Printer: Simon Stafford
Categories: James I
Notes: The text plagiarises George Whetstone's 'Censure of a Loyal Subject' (1587) [STC 25334]. Johnson's text contains only a few paragraphs of his own work. His other work on the 1603 succession, 'Anglorum Lacrimae' [see STC 14671], is also largely plagiarised. Whetstone's 'Censure' was written on the occasion of the Babington Plot. The occasion of Johnson's 'Lanterne-light' is the trial in November 1603 of Sir Walter Ralegh, who had fallen out of favour with James I almost as soon as the latter had acceded to the throne and was by the summer imprisoned for treason [see ODNB entries for Johnson and for Ralegh]. The pamphlet discusses the divine right of kings, mentions traitors under Elizabeth, and ends by urging British subjects to beware Catholic infiltration and offering good wishes for James's rule.
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