Edward Winslow Statue, St Andrew’s Shopping Centre (Droitwich Spa, 2009)


'Statue of Edward Winslow, Droitwich (2010)

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This small sculpture of Edward Winslow, a Pilgrim Father born in Droitwich Spa, was commissioned by Kandahar Real Estates, the owner of the town’s shopping centre. Sara Ingleby-Mackenzie was the artist; she imagined Winslow taking his first steps onto a granite ‘Plymouth Rock’ (inscribed ‘1620’) atop a plinth. A plaque states:

"Born in Droitwich on 18th October 1595, Edward Winslow sailed to America aboard the Mayflower in 1620 as one of the Pilgrim Fathers, determined to start a new life free from religious persecution. After a terrible crossing with many deaths from disease severe bad weather drove the ship to what is known as Plymouth Sound where it cast anchor."

More than 100 people gathered to watch the inauguration of the sculpture during a special ceremony. The choir of St Peter’s Church – where Winslow had been baptised - sang several pieces, before Pam Davey (chairman of the Local Area Partnership), Glenise Noyes (Mayor of Droitwich) and Jo Sandells (chairman of Wychavon District Council) unveiled the work. According to the Droitwich Advertiser, it was ‘hoped’ the sculpture would ‘celebrate the Spa’s association with the famous Pilgrim leader’ and ‘put Droitwich on the American tourist map’.

Originally, the plan had been to have a statue of a Raven – a heraldic symbol associated with Droitwich’s ‘salt king’ John Corbett (who transformed the town’s salt industry into a major business). There had been pushback, however; some thought a raven would be ‘unlucky’ whereas others ‘questioned whether Corbett’s influence on the town was always positive.’ Under one online news article, people expressed amusing dismay:

"Brilliant !

Ditch the statue reminding people of the great influence the Corbett's had in shaping the town, in favour of one of a man who had no influence on droitwich at all!

You too can aspire to leave Driotwich!

You could not make this up!"


David Paine, ‘Unveiling of Edward Winslow statue’, Worcester News (27th January 2009) – accessed online at https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/4080158.unveiling-of-edward-winslows-statue/

Alicia Kelly, ‘Raven statue ditched in favour of pilgrim father’, Worcester News (20th August 2008) – accessed online at https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/3608964.raven-statue-ditched-in-favour-of-pilgrim-father/