Event 10028

Details of the event

Storm off Alicante, with winds from the east, with lasted five or six days. The strength of the winds forced the captain to cut the main mast. Because of this the captain was forced to land on the beach at Lugar Nuevo, where he spent four or five days making repairs. Thanks to the storm, the ropes which were anchoring them were frayed on the rocks.
Event Types and Categories: Cut mast
Storm (Weather)
Strong wind (Weather)
Voyage: 10020 (click here to view all of the events on the voyage)
Date (From source): <18-01-1669
Date (Location): Livorno
Date (Extra information from the source):
Date (Normalised): <18-01-1670
Event Location: Lugar Nuevo (The name of a castle near Santa Pola, just south of Alicant bay)
Latitude: 38.154019
Longitude: -0.627873
Approximate range from these coordinates: 5 km(s)
Reliability (of these coordinates): Certain (Click here for an explanation of event reliability)
Recorded by:
Vessel(s): San Giovanni ((Vessel)), Captain Giuseppe di Niccolò
Voyage description:
Caviare and hides from Arkhangelsk to Livorno . Three storms, mast lost and sailors injured.
Transcription: E come ancora, essendo e ritrovandosi verso Alicante si levò burrasca con venti di levante che durò tutto lo spatio di cinque o sei giorni e per la forza di vele che fu forzato di fare con l’intendimento del Piloto et altri ufficiali per sfuggire il perdimento di detta nave li ruppe l’albero di maestra, rompendosi tutte le sarchie venendo a tutto con tutto il giogo delle vele, che perciò fu forzato a dare in terra a spiaggia di logaro novo, dove quivi per rifarcirsi dimorò per lo spatio di quattro giorni e quivi ancora patì gran danno per la tempesta segandoseli le gumine dalli scogli