Silver Equivalence


Several different currencies co-existed in early modern Europe. Their use in Average procedures varied over time and place. In Genoese Average sources, for example, Genoese lire were used from 1590 to the 1660s, while Spanish silver pieces of eight were used from the 1660s to the end of the century. This latter coin was equivalent to the Spanish real or dollar and was widely used in international trade. At the same time, there are same cases in which values are given in Neapolitan scudi, Dutch florins, and other currencies. In Tuscany, the Tuscan scudi were generally used in calculations from the first half of the seventeenth century, while silver pieces of eight were used in the latter half of the century.

The lire, the scudo and the pieces of eight were subdivided into soldi (of which there were twenty to a piece) and denari (of which there were twelve to a soldo).

To allow comparisons, we are providing silver equivalences for the most used currencies recorded in AveTransRisk. The original sources provided equivalences between currencies for specific periods, but to harmonise the coverage we are using the equivalences given in the following:

Felloni G., Pesce G., Le monete genovesi. Storia, arte ed economia nelle monete di Genova dal 1139 al 1814, Genoa, 1975.

Giacchero G., Il Seicento e le compere di san Giorgio, Genoa, 1979.

Genoese lire conversion rate in silver and gold

Years Silver Gold
1581-1593 - 0.743 gr.
1594-1596 8.362 gr. 0.696 gr.
1597-1616 8.176 gr. 0.681 gr.
1617-1629 8.176 gr. 0.625 gr.
1630-1631 6.512 gr. 0.471 gr.
1632-1642 6.236 gr. 0.461 gr.
1643-1646 6.132 gr. 0.414 gr.
1647-1653 5.661 gr. 0.395 gr.
1654-1659 5.411 gr. 0.365 gr.
1660-1670 5.256 gr. 0.352 gr.
1671-1674 4.972 gr. 0.335 gr.
1675-1740 4.841 gr. 0.326 gr.

G. Felloni, G. Pesce, Le monete genovesi. Storia, arte ed economia nelle monete di Genova dal 1139 al 1814, Genoa, 1975, 210.

Genoese lire per 1 Spanish piece of eight

Year(s) Lire
1594 2.19.6
1600GA 3.2
1601/1601GA 3.1
1632 4
1638GA 4.2
1639GA 4.2
1643 4.2
1647 4.8
1653 4.12
1656 4.16
1659 4.16
1669GA 4.16
1671 5
1675 5.2
1695GA 5
1696GA 5
1698GA 5
1699GA 5
1700GA 5
1702GA 5

This tabled is based on the one in Giacchero, Il Seicento, 694. To the values reported by Giacchero, the conversion rates found in the AveTransRisk online db were added. These are available through the ‘advanced search’ function.

Genoese lire per 1 Genoese silver scudo

Year(s) Lire
1591GA 3.4
1592GA 4.7-4.8
1593-1604/1598-1599GA 4.10
1605-1607 4.12
1608 4.14
1609-1610 4.14-4.16
1611 5-5.2
1612-1615 4.10
1616 4.18-5
1617-1619 4.18-5
1620-1622 5.4
1623-1626 5.7-5.10
1627 5.11
1628-30 5.12-5.14
1631 5.15-5.18
1632-1637 5.18-5.19
1638 5.19-6
1639-1642/1640GA 6/ 5
1643-1645 6.2
1646-1648 6.8-6.10
1649-1655 6.12-6.16
1656 6.18
1657-1660 7
1661-1668 7.4
1669 7.6
1670-1672 7.8
1675 7.12

This tabled is based on the one in Giacchero, Il Seicento, 694. To the values reported by Giacchero, the conversion rates found in the AveTransRisk online db were added. These are available through the ‘advanced search’ function.