Event 10073

Details of the event

Bad weather and south westerly winds. They tried to shelter in Cavo Danza but were unable. At this point they made a jettison. The following day they made it into Gaeta.
Event Types and Categories: Jettison
Storm (Weather)
Voyage: 10049 (click here to view all of the events on the voyage)
Date (From source): 10-04-1600
Date (Location): Gaeta
Date (Extra information from the source):
Date (Normalised): 10-04-1600
Event Location: La Fiumara di Roma
Latitude: 41.722174
Longitude: 12.182022
Approximate range from these coordinates: 30 km(s)
Reliability (of these coordinates): High certainty (Click here for an explanation of event reliability)
Recorded by:
Vessel(s): Santa Maria Buona Ventura (Saettia), Patrone Osberto Lione
Voyage description:
Wine, Rags, and Galls from Napoli to Livorno and Genoa. Storm and jettison.
Transcription: Sopra la fiumara di Roma che fu lunedi dieci del presente mese d’Aprile e donò tanto de venti allo Lebecci forzati che si fece tornare in dietro concorrere per venire al Capo Danza et non ossendo afferrare perche ci perdevamo et vedendo il Periculo grande che eravamo per affocare fussimo di parere di fare gettito in mare per alleviare il vascello et cosi continuando la fortuna et il periculo fu cominciato a buttare in mare d