Event 10083

Details of the event

Ship has to make all sail to round Ireland - this causes the ship to suffer to such a degree that water enters the hold
Event Types and Categories: Water enters below deck
Voyage: 10027 (click here to view all of the events on the voyage)
Date (From source): 18-10-1669
Date (Location): Livorno
Date (Extra information from the source): Stile Nuovo
Date (Normalised): 18-10-1669
Event Location: Off the coast of North-West Ireland
Latitude: 54.571397
Longitude: -11.332453
Approximate range from these coordinates: 250 km(s)
Reliability (of these coordinates): Medium certainty (Click here for an explanation of event reliability)
Recorded by:
Vessel(s): Speranza Incoronata (Nave), Captain Niccolo Rusman
Voyage description:
Hides and caviar from Arkhangelsk to Livorno. Cut ropes, cut masts, jettison, ice damage, storm damage, corsair battle.  
Transcription: E proseguendo il viaggio alla meglio possibile alli 18 del mese d’ottobre stil nuovo li convenne fare forza di vele per montare sopra Irlanda [underlined in different ink] per non perdersi mediante che la nave patì grandemente a segno che cominciò a fare grandissima quantità d’acqua che non si poteva revincere con tutte le trombe