Event 10092

Details of the event

Storm with westerly and north-westerly winds. The ship sheltered in Cavo Corso but could not enter the port without the plague license.
Event Types and Categories: Storm (Weather)
Stormy sea (Weather)
Strong wind (Weather)
Voyage: 10056 (click here to view all of the events on the voyage)
Date (From source): <12-12-1599
Date (Location): Pisa
Date (Extra information from the source): Exact date not give - between 2/12 and 12/20
Date (Normalised): <12-12-1599
Event Location: Monte Cristo/Cavo Corso
Latitude: 42.409193
Longitude: 9.908778
Approximate range from these coordinates: 35 km(s)
Reliability (of these coordinates): High certainty (Click here for an explanation of event reliability)
Recorded by:
Vessel(s): Santa Maria Annutiata ('La Squarcia Bocca') ((Vessel)), Captain Elia di Giorgio
Voyage description:
Wool and other cargo from Cartagena and Alicante to Genoa and Livorno. Several storms, cut long boat, ropes, and masts, eventual shipwreck with some cargo recovered.
Transcription: Sendo sopra Monte Cristo di nuovo furno assaliti da Fortuna crudeli segno di Grecchi et levanti et pero se ne tirorno alla volta del Cavo Corso nel Isola di Corsica dove stessero con detta nave in detto luogho senza pero havere pratica, et [com?] con le genti della terra et passato dua giorni [levatosi] di detto luogho per il loro viaggio