Event 110138

Details of the event

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Event Types and Categories: Made water
Sprung a leak
Stormy sea (Weather)
Strong wind (Weather)
Tempestous weather
Voyage: 110538 (click here to view all of the events on the voyage)
Date (From source): 21-12-1850
Date (Location):
Date (Extra information from the source):
Date (Normalised): 21-12-1850
Event Location: Pantelleria
Approximate range from these coordinates:
Reliability (of these coordinates): (Click here for an explanation of event reliability)
Recorded by:
Vessel(s): William Skinner (Brig), Master Samuel Cummin
Voyage description:
Grain from Unknown Origon to Unknown Destination. Encountered boisterous weather.
Transcription: The N.E. point of Pantelleria bore N. –[   ?] [distant?] 10 miles, On the 19th strong gales, throughout [th...?] [ cours?], a strong sea running, ship laboring [hard ?] and shipping a great quantity of water, pumps duly tried, wind at N.W. On the 20th [continue ?] heavy gales throughout the 24 hours, the Ship laboring heavy, and shipping a great deal of [water ?], pumps constantly [tried ?], wind N.W., On the 21st heavy gales throughout, Ship laboring heavy and [shipping ?] a great deal of water, at 4 p.m. stowed the [foretop sail?] and brought the Vessel too,  under close reeft Main topsail, pumps duly tried, wind W.N.W., On the 22nd these 24 hours with heavy gales and a strong sea running, the ship laboring heavy and shipping a great deal of water, wind N.W. by W., On the 25th at Midnight squally, wind variable and calm, On the 26th begins with brisk gales, and fair, wind N.E., At 1 p.m. in 2 reefs of [ foretop ] sail, and one reef of the Main, at Midnight squally, wind N. –[   ?] W. On the 27th at midnight heavy squalls, and strong sea running, the Ship laboring heavy, shipping a deal of water and making water, wind N.N.W. pumps duly tried, On the 28th continued strong gales throughout the 24 hours at 6 p.m. wove ship, and stowed the foresail and Ivysail, and brought the Ship too, under clove reeft Maintopsail, strong sea running Ship laboring heavy, and shipping much water, and making water, pumps attended, wind N.N.W. On the 30th begins with brisk gales and squally, with rain, at Midnight heavy squalls with rain, a strong sea, running from the N.W. the Ship laboring heavy, shipping much water and making water, pumps duly attended, wind N.N.W. and calm, On the 31st fresh breezes and cloudy at 7 a.m. split the foretopsail, a heavy gale of wind, a strong sea running ship laboring heavy, shipping much water, and making water, pumps duly tried, winds variable On