Event 130235

Details of the event

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Event Types and Categories:
Voyage: 130134 (click here to view all of the events on the voyage)
Date (From source): 25-02-1700
Date (Location): Livorno
Date (Extra information from the source):
Date (Normalised): 25-02-1701
Event Location: Livorno
Approximate range from these coordinates:
Reliability (of these coordinates): (Click here for an explanation of event reliability)
Recorded by:
Vessel(s): Sant' Antonio di Padova ((Leuto)), Patrone Bernardino Mezzana
Voyage description:
Salumi, grain, and other merchandise from Livorno to Sarzana. Breakages, bailing out, ship emptied of cargo.
Transcription: Per una manovra errata e colpi di vento vi furono danni all'imbarcazione e la sentina si riempiva di acqua, per 3 ore l'equipaggio aggottava,  sbarcarono le mercanzie