
Details of the port

Similar names:
Latitude: 39.190098770314044
Longitude: 16.531626120885885
Location Unsure? Port location unsure
Modern Day Country: Italy
Modern Day Region/County/Département: region of Italy


A list of the voyages where Calabria was visited

Voyage ID Vessel (type) Master Leg Type Reason for call Arrival Date Departure Date Did not reach port?
50371 La Fortuna (Vessel)
Captain Martino [Adriani sul retro del calcolo] Boghens
Origin Region of loading 27-03-1640
50808 San Francesco e San Nicola (cimba)
Patrone Francesco Cocorellus quondam Pasquarelli de loco Vico regni Neapoli
Origin <15-11-1670