
Details of the port

Similar names:
Latitude: 21.0079
Longitude: -10.9408
Location Unsure? Port location unsure
Modern Day Country: Mauritania
Modern Day Region/County/Département:


A list of the voyages where Mauritania was visited

Voyage ID Vessel (type) Master Leg Type Reason for call Arrival Date Departure Date Did not reach port?
93551 La diligence
Maître David Soyer
Unknown <=>27-03-1670 <=>27-03-1670
93560 La diligence
Maître David Soyer
Unknown <=>31-03-1670 <=>31-03-1670
93779 La diligence
Maître David Soyer
Unknown <=>12-08-1670 <=>12-08-1670
94268 L'Anna, ou soleil
Capitaine David Soyer
Unknown <=>25-02-1671 <=>25-02-1671
94437 Le St Joseph
Maître Jean Baptiste André
Unknown <=>27-04-1671 <=>27-04-1671
94438 Le St Joseph
Maître Jean Baptiste André
Unknown <=>27-04-1671 <=>27-04-1671
94533 Le St Joseph
Capitaine André Servanteau
Unknown <=>05-06-1671 <=>05-06-1671