"Sale of work", Newland Congregational Church, Lincoln (November, 1920)


Pearson Bellamy, Newland Congregational Chapel, Lincoln - Akrill's Visitor Guide to Lincoln (1880).

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Following Mayflower events at the Wesleyan Chapel for the 300th anniversary, a “Mayflower sale of work” was held at the Newland Congregational Church with the aim of raising £500; £273 8s 5d was raised on the opening day alone. The opening of the sale, which coincided with the period of American Thanksgiving, was attended by the American Consul, the Hon. J.S. Grant. Grant gave a talk reflecting on the warmth and enthusiasm of the Mayflower celebrations which had seen so many religious communities come together, and which had brought the nations of Britain and America into closer harmony. And although he eschewed talking politics, he expressed his hope that the spirit of intolerance was in retreat. Through the League of Nations, “we shall have an agreement which everybody can understand and live up to”. Even such a bland assurance was greeted with enthusiastic applause from the audience.


Eastern Morning News, “’Mayflower’ sale of work”, 26 November 1920.