Event 10059

Details of the event

There was a storm near monte cercelli with westerly and north-westerly and the ship was forced to head towards the bay of Gaeta in which port it took shelter. The yard of the main mast was broken.
Event Types and Categories: Storm (Weather)
Voyage: 10039 (click here to view all of the events on the voyage)
Date (From source): 14-11-1639
Date (Location): Pisa
Date (Extra information from the source):
Date (Normalised): 14-11-1639
Event Location: Monte Cercelli, about 10 miles from Terracina
Latitude: 41.227325
Longitude: 13.051750
Approximate range from these coordinates: 50 km(s)
Reliability (of these coordinates): Certain (Click here for an explanation of event reliability)
Recorded by:
Vessel(s): San Spirito e San Pietro (Tartana), Patrone Giovanni Paulo Libano
Voyage description:
Beans from Porto Badino to Livorno. Storm and Jettison.
Transcription: Havendo navicato con detto tempo sin al monte Cercelli la detta notte si levò burrasca di ponenti e maestri che fù forzato mollare alla volta di Gaeta dove arrivò il di 14 detto essendosoli rotto l’antenna della maestra et essendo stato in detto porto di Gaeta sin al di 16 di detto