Disney’s A Christmas Carol: The Book of the Film (2009) sees Robert Zemeckis’ 2009 animated film adaptation of the Dickensian classic, starring Jim Carrey as the despicable, motion-captured Ebenezer Scrooge, reimagined in a tie-in, illustrated novel…
The Lord of the Rings: The Making of the Movie Trilogy (EXE BD 37689; 2002) is a companion book to Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, although was published specifically to coalesce with the December release of The Two Towers (2002), the…
The book West Side Story was released in 2003, over forty years after the release of the 1961 film (Wise, Robbins). It is a small, well-made artefact with thick paper and a slight tear on the back cover, reflective of its multiple owners, as…