Disney’s A Christmas Carol: The Book of the Film (2009) sees Robert Zemeckis’ 2009 animated film adaptation of the Dickensian classic, starring Jim Carrey as the despicable, motion-captured Ebenezer Scrooge, reimagined in a tie-in, illustrated novel…
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" by Quentin Tarantino (2021) invites readers into a world of cinema where the lines between literature and film are blurred. This 416-page mass-market paperback edition is not only a movie tie-in, but it also stands…
A gripping read is "127 Hours: between a Rock and a Hard Place," the startling account of Aron Ralston’s (2005) survival in the most unlikely of circumstances. When considering Ralston's experience and its aftermath, the artifact becomes more…
The book West Side Story was released in 2003, over forty years after the release of the 1961 film (Wise, Robbins). It is a small, well-made artefact with thick paper and a slight tear on the back cover, reflective of its multiple owners, as…
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Book was released in 1979, four years after the 1975 release of the film, a science-fiction musical. This companion book, which traditionally details the making of the film, is in good condition despite being resold, as…
'Toy Story': A Critical Reading is a book about the Toy Story (2015) film series. It was first published in 2015. Tom Kemper, from Pixar Studios, analyses the 1995 computer-generated animated feature film Toy Story in the BFI Film Classics series.…
Jurassic Park (1993) is an official magazine about Jurassic Park (1993) movie memorabilia. The magazine includes actual stills from the movie, character introductions, and dinosaur science. It vividly describes the mystery of Jurassic Park through…
"Building a Dream: The Art of Disney Architecture" provides a thorough introduction to Disney theme parks, hotels and corporate office buildings. This project explores the design concepts behind these buildings and the stories that inspired them.…
The Idea of Nature in Disney Animation: "From Snow White to Wall-E" by David Whitley explores the depiction of nature. The author explores the evolution of Disney's natural world as a result of changing culture, society and environment. The book…