Event 10007

Details of the event

After the storm the ship met a French corsair who had already captured two ships. The captain jettisoned some water barrels in order to be better prepared for combat but in the end the Frenchman did not attack.
Event Types and Categories: Hostile encounter
Voyage: 10013 (click here to view all of the events on the voyage)
Date (From source): 12-02-1649
Date (Location): Livorno
Date (Extra information from the source):
Date (Normalised): 12-02-1650
Event Location: Cava delle mele (Isola D'Elba?); Near Livorno
Latitude: 42.737742
Longitude: 10.272088
Approximate range from these coordinates: 75 km(s)
Reliability (of these coordinates): Uncertain (Click here for an explanation of event reliability)
Recorded by:
Vessel(s): State ((Vessel)), Captain Jacopo Soomer
Voyage description:
Mixed merchandise from Amsterdam to Livorno. Storm and jettison, harbour accident.
Transcription: Navigando sotto li 12 febbraio quando fu a cavo delle mele incontrò un corsale francese che haveva predato la nave Delfino Doro et Nave S. Niccole cariche di fave uscite di fiandra in conserva di detto comparente onde scopertole per non esser da preso resolte mettersi alli ordine per combattere mentre l’havere molestato et per non Essere inpedito nel combattimento li convennu gettare allo mare diciotto botte di acqua et altri bugli per il valsente di pezzo cento et essendo stato visitato dal corsale fu licentiato