The voyage of the State

Departing Amsterdam on 20-12-1649


Red circles show the possible range that the event occured in

Type(s) Date Description
20-12-1649 Severe cold and the presence of ice on leaving Amsterdam
26-12-1649 A severe storm in the English channel
Hostile encounter
12-02-1650 After the storm the ship met a French corsair who had already captured two ships. The captain jettisoned some water barrels in order to be better prepared for combat but in the end the Frenchman did not attack.
Accident inside the harbour
Cutting of anchor line
Cutting of ropes
Soaking of cargo
Strong wind
28-02-1650 Around the 21st hour there was a storm with great and variable winds. Various ships that were outside of the pier were dragged free of their moorings.

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