The voyage of the L'Annuntiata Buona Ventura

Departing Algiers on 18-03-1640


General Information
General description of the voyage
Silver, feathers, and various other merchandise from Algiers to Livorno. Storm and Jettison.
Weights and measures (metrological) observations
1 Cantara = 165 Rotoli
After the testimoniale was submitted the witnesses were examined upon interrogatories ostensibly provided by the merchants. It seems likely that these were simply pro forma questions put forward by their proctors, for just as the case was about to be concluded (a 'sentenza' had already been pronounced in June) it seems like their was an intervention which put the case back several stages. New interrogatories were produced as well as testimony from two Dutch passengers saying that they had both overheard the captain saying and seen with their own eyes, as seamen of long experience, that the ship was overladen when it left Algiers. This was denied by the witnesses in the new interrogatories. Despite these objections the procedure went ahead and a second sentence was produced in August.
Extra information from the source
Note that cash being carried on board the ship (Doble) is not counting towards the passive mass.