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Letter Jowell to Prime Minister on Iraq's Cultural Heritage


In this letter to the Prime Minister, Tessa Jowell gives an update on the progress of securing Iraq’s cultural heritage arising from concerns about its rampant destruction. Pointing out the reverence for British Museum staff among professionals as well as locals from Iraq, Iran and Syria, she appraises the Prime Minister about her steps to request the British Museum director, Neil Macgregor to work with international colleagues to prepare a coordinated response from the archaeological community. She argues for the need to work closely with international bodies like the UNESCO and the Organisation of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Affairs (ORHA), where the UK could help resolve tensions. Other measures taken to prevent the artefacts from coming into the market included speeding up the Private Member’s “Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Bill”. 

The letter ends with Jowell recalling the precarious position of Britain regarding the destruction of cultural heritage. She expresses concern on how Britain’s “involvement might be perceived internationally given the nineteenth century tendency for Britain to remove cultural artefacts”.